Amsterdam's rich art and culture sector brings life, connects and questions. Art reflects the diversity in Amsterdam and is the city's calling card. It is the creative counterpart to efficiency-thinking and the coarsening of social debate and promotes an open and progressive society.
We want a clean, safe and healthy city for everyone. That is why we choose a car-free city with more space for cyclists and pedestrians and cleaner air for all Amsterdam residents. We are creating more green space in the city to ensure biodiversity. We are building a climate-proof Amsterdam with less asphalt, more greenery and better drainage.
We are striving for a city with welfare for all. Unfortunately, too many people on lower incomes are still struggling. A major offensive against debt and generous income support are therefore badly needed. Many people would very much like to get a job. We help them find work with job plans, mediation and subsidised employment. Youth unemployment is also being tackled hard at all levels.
We must fight discrimination and institutional racism to tackle inequality in the city. The time of denial is over. Racism and discrimination against LGBT+ groups, women, disabled people and minorities is present in society, unfortunately also in Amsterdam. We do not accept this: we fight racism and discrimination in all areas. On the job market, in education, in sports, on the street. Together, we ensure that everyone can be themselves.
We are in the middle of a climate crisis. The effects are hitting the most vulnerable people first and hardest. Doing nothing is not an option. Our city takes responsibility. We must radically green our local economy and our energy supply; for ourselves, the world, and future generations.