Unemployment among young people has skyrocketed due to the lockdown. The longer young people remain without work, the harder it is for them to get back to work. Tackling youth unemployment is, therefore, high on our list of priorities. Our GroenLinks alderman Rutger Groot Wassink (Social Affairs) has launched a Youth Unemployment Plan, proposing measures to get more young people to work. With the help of individual coaching, job hunters, and starters' grants, we help young people on their way to a job. Also, GroenLinks has ensured that the debts of young people will be cancelled. We must do all we can to prevent young people from being sidelined for too long.
A people-centred approach to local economic development
GroenLinks wants an economy in which the people of Amsterdam have a say. An economy anchored on the local level, in which the money earned in an area returns to the residents of that area as much as possible. That is why we have submitted this proposal to start up Community Wealth Building in Zuidoost. In this way, we stimulate local entrepreneurship and retain the economic value in the neighbourhood.
We provide jobs for the city in many ways. GroenLinks alderman Rutger Groot Wassink has set up a Regional Work Centre together with UWV and other municipalities, where companies and job-seekers can find each other more easily. Our employment plans also help people find work. By working together with employers, schools and social initiatives, we have already helped 250 people in Zuidoost find a job. Finally, we use the transition to sustainable energy to create more jobs for Amsterdam residents through our Green New Deal.
Debt plunges people into long-term poverty and disrupts families' lives. We have launched a major offensive against debt. In 'Samen Sterker uit de Crisis' (Stronger Together out of the Crisis), we made funds available for early detection of debts, debt assistance and poverty regulations. In addition, we have made it easier to earn extra money on welfare. This way, we increase the social security benefits and stimulate part-time work.