In our election programme Change begins with the city, we demonstrate how GroenLinks Amsterdam has succeeded in laying sustainable and social foundations for change as the largest party to the city council. To tackle remaining challenges, we are making five promises to the city for the upcoming years: 1) a home for everyone, 2) a green and climate-neutral city, 3) a radically different economy, 4) tackling inequality and racism, and 5) involving Amsterdammers even more in the design of their city

Four years ago, the city of Amsterdam stood at a crossroads. The people of Amsterdam chose a greener and more leftist course. Together with our coalition partners, we have followed up on our promises, initiating major changes that have made Amsterdam a more social, inclusive, and greener city. "We are proud of our accomplishments," says Rutger Groot Wassink, our party leader. “However, our work for the city is far from finished. That is why we are now presenting a programme with which residents of Amsterdam can once again vote wholeheartedly for a sustainable, social and connected city on March 16th, 2022.”


The Covid-19 crisis has hit the city with force and has painfully exposed the fundamental flaws in our economy and society. The housing crisis, climate disruption, racism and economic and social inequality must continue to be fought with all our might, while simultaneously working towards greater solidarity in the city. Only then can Amsterdam become a place of change, a place where people feel at home, a place that offers them decent living conditions and where they feel free. Our ideals are more urgent than ever.

Therefore, we are making the following promises in our electoral programme: 

1. A home in the city for everyone 

We believe that the government should play an active role in guaranteeing the fundamental right to housing. We want to take measures where the national government deliberately refuses to intervene. Key points included in our electoral programme are as follows:

  • We will establish a Municipal Housing Company. This will enable us to buy up vacant real estate and housing owned by housing corporations that would otherwise end up on the open market. In this way, we conserve social housing stocks and improve the availability of middle-class housing.
  • We will create more shelters and support for all people without a home, including undocumented migrants. No one in Amsterdam will sleep outside.
  • We give priority to teachers at schools where there are great shortages, and neighborhood residents receive a head start on new buildings.
  • The ongoing leasehold system (“erfpachtstelsel”) is replaced by a Community Wealth Return. In this way, increased value flows back to the local community without current residents suddenly being confronted with cost increases. Owners who sell their homes socially will pay less.
Jonge vrouw hangt uit raam van de eerste eerste verdieping en lacht

2. A radically different economy for Amsterdam 

We want to move away from an economy that is focused on profiting large shareholders, and instead move towards a local economy that is focused on value for all people of Amsterdam. Key points included in our electoral programme are as follows:

  • Amsterdam residents should benefit from the profits made in the city, through higher wages or co-ownership in cooperatives.
  • We must stop the expansion of large retail chains in Amsterdam's shopping streets by preventing the merging of smaller shop buildings.
  • We will introduce a local (digital) currency throughout the city. Successful examples such as the Sardex in Sardinia show that this helps money to circulate locally and to keep shopping streets and markets alive. The municipality promotes the currency’s circulation by using it itself for purchases, fees, and the taxation of commercial use of public space.
  • The municipality will stop tourism campaigns when the annual number of 12 million tourists has been reached. This is in accordance with the People's Initiative (Volksinitiatief). The city council will curtail annual tourist numbers above 18 million visitors with measures such as further increasing the tourist tax.
  • We no longer give priority to large international companies that come here to channel (untaxed) profits to wealthy shareholders. In districts where the economy can use a boost, we will set up funds investing in local entrepreneurs. The returns will be paid out to the residents.
Foto van jonge man die achter een werkbank een houten doosje aan het maken is


GroenLinks wants Amsterdammers to live in a city with a clean, healthy environment, where the costs and benefits of the fight against climate change are fairly distributed. Key points included in our electoral programme are as follows:

  • We aim for a more ambitious climate policy, with a national CO2 reduction of 65% by 2030.
  • We will set up an energy bank to help people pay their energy bills and we will encourage homeowners to make their homes energy-neutral sooner. 
  • We will remove 30,000 more parking spaces in order to reduce car traffic and CO2 emissions in the city. 
  • We will fight to reduce the size of Schiphol Airport. Moreover, we want to stop all night flights and short-haul flights. As far as we are concerned, the municipality, as a shareholder, will do everything that is necessary to reach this goal.
  • We want to organize the city in such a way that we achieve zero traffic fatalities. Traffic safety is more important than traffic flow. 
  • We will continue to invest in wind and solar energy within the borders of Amsterdam.
Foto van een lachende vrouw gehurkt op een groen dak met zonnepanelen


We will continue to fight with all our might anti-black racism, anti-Semitism, islamophobia, violence against the LGBTQI+ community and other forms of racism and discrimination. Unlike the national government, GroenLinks builds on trust in Amsterdammers and not on distrust. Key points included in our electoral programme are as follows:

  • We want to experiment with 'cash-first' projects, in which people can choose to receive a sum of money instead of an assistance programme.
  • People receiving social assistance will not be forced to deliver any so-called “compensation”. Help and guidance is the starting point, coercion is not. Working in small jobs on the side is encouraged in order to get back into a paid job sooner.
  • The Working Brigade (Werkbrigade) will be further developed so that basisbanen become available to more people.
  • We will expand the possibility of having debts taken over by the municipality. This will prevent debts from increasing further due to collection agencies.
  • For the municipality, 1873 marks an important year in which slavery was abolished. In 2023, we will observe a memorial year and celebrate the 150th anniversary of this abolition, recognizing our country’s history of slavery.
  • Schools must be accessible for all children. Parents should not be deterred by high parental contributions. Primary schools in Amsterdam that ask for a parental contribution higher than 112 euro per year will therefore not receive any subsidy from the municipality.
  • The municipality is doing everything within its power to assist those Amsterdam victims of the subsidy scandal (toeslagenschandaal) who have been let down by the national government. This includes taking over debts or assisting them in finding housing and the right care.
Groep kinderen staat samen met leraar om tafel en werken aan een robotwagentje


Our city is not made in the city hall. It is made on the street, on the sports field, at work and at home; it is made wherever Amsterdammers meet. Key points included in our electoral programme are as follows:

  • Young people from the age of 14 should be able to participate and vote on an equal basis in all democratic instruments. 
  • New democratic instruments will be used on a larger scale and in more areas. Examples are neighbourhood rights, neighbourhood budgets, cooperative citizens' initiatives (commons), the popular initiative (volksinitiatief), referendums, lotteries, citizens' forums and councils. 
  • We welcome the arrival of cannabis social clubs in the city and fight for the legalization of soft and party drugs (like ecstasy).
  • We oppose privacy-restricting and racism-sensitive security measures such as cameras with facial recognition and preventive searches.
Persoon met een demonstratiebord met de tekst "Black Lives Matter"
Paarse achtergrond met een telefoon op de voorgrond met de tekst: Check your eligibilty

Can you vote too?

Everyone who has an EU passport, or has been living in The Netherlands legally for over five consecutive years, has the right to vote for the Amsterdam municipal elections. To vote, you only have to be registered as a resident in the city.

We made a tool to quickly check whether you are eligible to vote in the Amsterdam municipal elections on March 16th, 2022. 

Please check the answers that apply to you:

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This tool is designed to assist you as a potential voter. It gives you an indication of your eligibility. Please note that this is not an official check and that no rights can be derived from the information.